Imagining Home -100 exercises in empathy (Part 3) by Lisa Jarrett is a participatory drawing project. Jarrett invited select participants to take turns creating an imaginary homeland from the same wad of her hair. The resulting three-dimensional drawings were then photocopied to create the two-dimensional maps presented in the exhibition. These maps are both symbols and questions.
Lisa Jarrett is an artist and educator. She is Assistant Professor of Community and Context Arts at Portland State University’s School of Art + Design. She is co-founder and co-director of KSMoCA (King School Museum of Contemporary Art) in NE Portland. Her intersectional practice considers the politics of difference within a variety of settings including: schools, landscapes, fictions, racial imaginaries, studios, communities, museums, galleries, walls, mountains, mirrors, floors, rivers, and lenses. She exists and makes socially engaged work within the African Diaspora. She recently discovered that her primary medium is questions.